Introducing Morningstar Investor

New name, same powerful tools
Just like Premium, Morningstar Investor helps you navigate life’s key financial moments but with more power than ever before. Investor includes new features that connect your portfolios to our industry-leading research and ratings, as well as enhancements to the tools you know and love.

Key features and enhancements available in Morningstar Investor

Personalized Homepage

Insights you can use

Your homepage is your one-stop shop for analysis and updates on your investments and interests. Get the latest research on your holdings from our analysts, check the progress of your portfolios, and see what your favorite Morningstar contributors are up to, all in one place. The more you add to Investor, the more personalized insights appear.


Portfolio management, leveled up

Get a comprehensive, consolidated view of your holdings across your accounts. Seamless account aggregation gives you up-to-date views of performance without the need for manual entry. You can also group accounts by investment goal to help visualize progress. And if you have portfolios in legacy Portfolio Manager, your data has already been added to Investor.

Portfolio X-Ray

Powerful portfolio analysis

We’ve streamlined Morningstar® Portfolio X-Ray® to help you understand your investments from every angle. You’ll still get the same deep dive into your portfolio’s asset allocation, sector weightings, and style, just with a cleaner design.


A new way to keep track of your ideas

Watchlist are now separate from portfolios and help you keep tabs on securities and indexes you don’t currently own. If you’ve created watchlists in legacy Portfolio Manager, you’ll get the option to bring them over to Investor or convert them to portfolios. You can also create new lists from scratch.


The latest and greatest Morningstar voices

You can now follow your favorite Morningstar contributors with the click of a mouse (or tap of your finger). Look for the “Follow” button while you’re reading any article in Investor.


Screening, amplified (and simplified)

We’ve updated our screener to help you quickly find and evaluate securities and indexes. You can still count on our expansive performance and valuation metrics and powerful ratings to guide your research.


New and nimble timeseries charting

Compare price and return data across multiple securities. Chart by price, time period, return, and more.


Market information that matters most

Monitor the markets your way with Investor’s customizable markets dashboard. Choose from multiple market indicators, including market indexes, sector summaries, upcoming financial events, our Global Market Barometer, and more.


A clear view of what’s new

Investor’s redesigned calendar helps you track details about more upcoming market events, including IPOs, earnings calls, economic reports, and stock splits.

Topic Pages

The latest on stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs

Dedicated stock, fund, and ETF pages keep you up to date on each investment type with analyst reports, ratings changes, commentary, and more from Morningstar’s top contributors. You’ll also get investment ideas and Morningstar picks with our pre-built screeners.

Downloadable Reports

In-depth reports on demand

Get additional context on individual stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs even those not covered by our analysts. They’re available for download on all quote pages in Investor.

To help ease the transition from Premium to Investor, you’ll still have access to your portfolio and watchlist data in legacy Portfolio Manager until it’s retired in the coming months. While any changes you make to your portfolios in Investor will be reflected in legacy Portfolio Manager, any updates you make to watchlists in Investor will not be reflected in the legacy version.

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